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Job Postings

Job Postings

How to post a job ?

Go to ‘[Manage Jobs](’
Click on ‘[Create Job](’ button on the top right corner
Fill in all the relevant information regarding the job

At the bottom navigation bar, navigate to the ‘Talents’ page > tap on ‘+’ icon at the top right, you will land on ‘Job Management’ page
Tap on ‘Post a new job’ at the bottom
Fill in all the relevant information regarding the job

Why is my job still pending?

It will take about 1-3 working days to get your job approved. If your job is still pending after 3 days, do write in to us to get it checked.

*If you have edited your job which is active, your job will be moved to ‘pending’ status and will take about 1-3 working days to get your job approved again.

Contact our customer support at shall you have more questions.

How do I edit /close job post

From the left navigation bar, click on the ‘[Manage Jobs](’ tab. You will see a list of jobs posted on this page.
Under ‘Actions’ column:
To edit a job: click on the edit button (pencil icon).
To close job: click on the cross button (rounded icon with a cross)

At the bottom navigation bar, navigate to the ‘Talents’ page > tap on ‘+’ icon at the top right, you will land on ‘Job Management’ page
Tap into any of the active jobs, at the bottom, select ‘edit’ / ‘close’.

Note: Upon editing your job, your job will be moved to ‘Pending’ again, and will take about 1-3 working days to get your job approved again.

I am urgently hiring for a role / How do I get more attention to my job?

There are a number of ways you can get more attention to your job and fill your role faster.

You can go to the recommended talents section to initiate a chat with talents. Immediately invite the suitable talent for an interview and get your role filled in as fast as one day.
Choose an accurate job function for the job you posted. The more accurate the job function you have selected, the more accurate the talents you will be recommended to.
Increase your response rate. Your response rate will be displayed to all talents. A higher response rate will attract more talents to apply for your job and get your role filled faster.
Offer competitive salaries to talents based on the current market rate. Jobs that have competitive salaries attract more talent to apply.
Mark your job as an urgent/featured job and get extra attention (up to 5 times more job views and 3 times more talents) for 3 days.
Lastly, update your personal name card and company information. Provide as much description about your company as possible. Talents are more inclined to apply to a company that is trustworthy.

Where do I see my talents’ resume?

You can find all your talents’ resumes in the ‘My Resumes’ tab on your left navigation bar.
All resumes that you have received from your talents will automatically be added to the ‘My Resumes’.
Through a specific chat room with your talents. Click on ‘Attachment’ at the top section.

You can request a resume from the talent in chat, or you can agree to a resume request sent by the talent. Tap the talent profile picture, you will be able to view both their profile and resume attachment

I want to discuss another job with the talent / How do I switch the job in discussion with the talent?

Go to your chat room with the talent. Below the talent’s profile, click on the job title stated for the ‘Job Position’.
A pop-up will appear and you may select a different job to discuss with the talent.

At the bottom of the chat, tap on the rounded ‘+’ icon > Exchange Job. You may then select a different job you would like to discuss with the talent.

Updated on: 25/08/2023

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