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How do I search for talents?

We recommend the most active and relevant talents for you. Go to Reco Talents to view the list of talents and initiate chat with those talents at no cost.
Otherwise, you can also search for talents in our database. On your left navigation bar, click on the ‘[Search Talent] (’ tab.
You can search/filter talent based on talent’s current job title, current location, school name, job function, etc.

You can browse for talents on the ‘Talents’ tab. Talents will be recommended to you based on the job you have posted (ensure you have put in the right job function and details so that the talents recommended to you will be more precise).
To help us improve our recommendation, click on ‘X’ of a specific talent card, and provide us the reason for irrelevance, and we will optimise our recommendation further for you.

Why am I not seeing talent’s resume in “My Resume”?

This happens because the talent has declined to send their resume to you. You may request talent to send their resume again in chat.

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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