Employer Onboarding Services - Contact Details
Employers with issues and concerns getting stated on Bossjob: our dedicated staff in the following regions are here to help. Bossjob Global Entity name:Yolo Technology Pte. Ltd. Address:11-02 Centennial Tower, 3 Temasek Ave, Singapore 039190 Service Hours:10:00-19:00 Contact Number:+65 6299 8022 Bossjob Singapore Entity name:Yolo Technology Pte. Ltd. Address:11-02 Centennial Tower, 3 Temasek Ave, Singapore 039190 Service Hours:10:00-19:00 Contact Number:+65 6299 8022 BossjobSome readersBoss / Employers FAQ
Job How to post a job ? Web: Go to Manage Jobs Click on Create Job button on the top right corner Fill in all the relevant information regarding the job offer App: Navigate to the ‘Talents’ page from the bottom navigation bar, then tap the ‘+’ icon at the top right to access the ‘Job Management’ page Tap on ‘Post a new job’ at the bottom Fill in all the relevant job details. Why is my job still pending?Some readersChats
Chat How do I invite talent for an interview ? Go to the respective chat with talent whom you would like to schedule an interview with Web: on the bottom part of the chat, click on the Interview Invite button App: on the top section of the chat, tap on the Invite to Interview icon. A popup will appear that will allow you to specify the interview details. Fill up the information and hit Send. Talent would then receive an interview invitation from you. What hapFew readersBossjob's Global Partners
Bossjob's partner employers come from various industries and sizes. From startups to multinational, across fields like IT, finance, education, healthcare, their work with us is a validation of our product's vision and mission. By partnering with Bossjob, they can access a broader talent pool, improve recruitment efficiency, meet the hiring needs of different positions, and effectively implement talent acquisition strategies. Additionally, Bossjob employers can also leverage the platform's datFew readersJob Posting and Recruitment Guidelines - The Philippines
Recruitment Guidance - The Philippines About Recruitment Guidance At Bossjob, we provide Recruitment Guidance to ensure that job seekers and recruiters can use the service safely and in compliance with Philippine laws. When posting a job, recruiters are required to comply with relevant legislation and the terms of service. Even if certain conditions are not explicitly mentioned here, the content of job postings may still violate the law. Therefore, please verify the applicable laws befoFew readersJob Postings
Job Postings How to post a job ? Web: Go to ‘Manage Jobs’ Click on ‘Create Job’ button on the top right corner Fill in all the relevant information regarding the job App: At the bottom navigation bar, navigate to the ‘Talents’ page tap on ‘+’ icon at the top right, you will land on ‘Job Management’ page Tap on ‘Post a new job’ at the bottom Fill in all the relevant infFew readersNotifications & Subscriptions
Notifications I would like to stop receiving career and hiring newsletters Web: On your left navigation bar, click on Settings Account Notification. Toggle the type of notification/newsletter you would like to receive/not receive. App: At the bottom navigation bar, navigate to the ‘Menu’ page. On the top right corner, tap on ‘Settings’ icon Notifications. Toggle the type of notification/newsletter you would like to receive/Few readersCompanies
Companies Why can’t I verify my company profile? We will include the reason for the verification failure when your company verification has failed. You may resubmit the documents for verification again after you have amended the details accordingly. If you are facing any other issues, reach out to support@bossjob.com for assistance on this. Why can’t I join a company? There are 2 reasons why you are not able to join a company: The company has not been verified yet. The admFew readersEmployer Onboarding - Video Walkthroughs
Ready to get started with Bossjob? We’ve prepared a series of easy-to-follow video guides to walk you through each step of the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth setup on your browser. Start your seamless onboarding experience here: https://employer.bossjob.com/ Join an Existing Company (New Bossjob Account)Few readersTalents
Talents How do I search for talents? Web: We recommend the most active and relevant talents for you. Go to Reco Talents to view the list of talents and initiate chat with those talents at no cost. Otherwise, you can also search for talents in our database. On your left navigation bar, click on the ‘ Search Talent (https://employer.bossjob.com/search-talent)’ tab. You can search/filter talent based on talent’s current job title, currentFew readersJob Posting and Recruitment Guidelines - Singapore
Recruitment Guidance - Singapore About Recruitment Guidance At Bossjob, we provide Recruitment Guidance to ensure that job seekers and recruiters can use the service safely and in compliance with Singaporean laws. When posting a job, recruiters are required to comply with key regulations and guidelines provided by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Bossjob's terms of service. Even if certain conditions are not explicitly mentioned here, the content of job postings may still violate theFew readers